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John Knightly, MD, FAANS

John Knightly, MD, FAANS., Spine Surgery


Castle Connolly Top Doctor

Congratulations To Dr. John Knightly, MD, FAANS On Being Recognized As A Castle Connolly Top Doctor.

Being selected as a Castle Connolly Top Doctor is a significant achievement, as it reflects the trust and respect of peers in the medical community. Physicians are nominated by fellow doctors based on their expertise, high procedure volumes, and proven ability to deliver better patient outcomes. With rigorous screening and no pay to enter involvement, being named a Top Doctor signifies excellence in care, ensuring patients receive the best possible treatment from the most qualified providers.

John Knightly, a long-standing member of the medical staffs at Morristown Memorial Medical Center and Overlook Medical Center, is a practicing neurosurgeon with 30 years of experience and a subspecialty interest in minimally invasive and complex spine surgery. He is the Past-President, Atlantic Neurosurgical Specialists and Altair Health as well as Chief of Quality, Atlantic Neuroscience Institute. He currently serves as the Vice President of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) as well as Chairman of the Neurosurgical Quality Council of the AANS/CNS Washington Committee.

A multi-timed named Castle Connelly Top-Doctor recipient, both regionally and nationally, his other areas of specialty interest and research include health care policy, outcomes and registry science, and quality improvement on which he has published extensively. He has served as Chair of the Joint Section on Disorders of Spine and Peripheral Nerves for the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)/Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) as well as chair of the of the Quality Improvement Workforce of the AANS/CNS and the AANS representative to the AANS/CNS Washington Committee. Dr Knightly has also served as an unaffiliated neurosurgical consultant for the NFL.

On a national basis, Dr Knightly is a Past Chairman, Board of Directors, for NeuroPoint Alliance and was appointed a founding member of the executive committee of the newly created American Spinal Registry (ASR) on which he still serves. He is a former Vice-Chairman and Director on the American Board of Neurological Surgeons (ABNS) and has had appointments on several committees within the AANS, American College of Surgeons as well as the National Quality Forum.


Spine Surgery


Board Certified in Neurological Surgery

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