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Minimally invasive Microdiscectomy

Minimally invasive Microdiscectomy

Minimally invasive microdiscectomy is a surgical procedure used to treat herniated discs in the spine. This approach is designed to alleviate symptoms like pain, numbness, or weakness caused by pressure on the spinal nerves. During the procedure, small incisions are made, and specialized instruments, including a microscope, are used for precision.


The surgeon accesses the affected area through the small incisions, minimizing disruption to surrounding tissues. The use of a microscope provides enhanced visibility, allowing the surgeon to pinpoint the exact location of the herniated disc. The surgeon then carefully removes the portion of the disc that is compressing the spinal nerves.

This minimally invasive technique aims to reduce postoperative pain, speed up recovery, and allow for a quicker return to normal activities compared to traditional open surgery. The smaller incisions contribute to less tissue damage and scarring.

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Conditions Related To Minimally invasive Microdiscectomy


Spinal stenosis describes narrowing inside the spinal canal and mainly occurs from a combination of aging and degenerative changes in the spine.

Piriformis Syndrome

Spinal stenosis describes narrowing inside the spinal canal and mainly occurs from a combination of aging and degenerative changes in the spine.


Spinal stenosis describes narrowing inside the spinal canal and mainly occurs from a combination of aging and degenerative changes in the spine.


Spinal stenosis describes narrowing inside the spinal canal and mainly occurs from a combination of aging and degenerative changes in the spine.

SI Joint Dysfunction

Spinal stenosis describes narrowing inside the spinal canal and mainly occurs from a combination of aging and degenerative changes in the spine.

Lumbar Stenosis

Spinal stenosis describes narrowing inside the spinal canal and mainly occurs from a combination of aging and degenerative changes in the spine.

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