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Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger Point Injections

Eligibility for Trigger-Point Injections

The application of trigger-point injections predominantly targets pain in regions like the neck, lower back, arms, and legs. They have also demonstrated effectiveness in mitigating tension headaches, alleviating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) discomfort, managing fibromyalgia, and addressing myofascial pain syndrome. This syndrome entails the development of trigger points in specific muscles, eliciting pain upon contact. Individuals afflicted by this condition often encounter deep, persistent pain in the affected muscle, accompanied by increased stiffness in muscles and joints, and disrupted sleep. If these symptoms persist, they can significantly impair one’s quality of life and warrant intervention.

The Process of Trigger-Point Injections

A local anesthetic and occasionally a corticosteroid – utilized to reduce inflammation – are delivered via a needle into the trigger point. This intervention serves to deactivate the trigger point, thereby alleviating pain. The procedure is typically brief, spanning 5 minutes, and conveniently conducted within a medical practitioner’s office. If needed, multiple trigger points can be addressed in a single appointment.

Considerations and Benefits

Trigger-point injections are generally considered safe, characterized by minimal side effects. Patients may experience tenderness around the injection site for up to 48 hours; however, the application of ice can alleviate discomfort. In most cases, individuals can resume their regular activities on the following day. Beyond pain relief, these injections possess the added advantage of easing the tension in the implicated muscles, thus facilitating the process of rehabilitation and recovery.

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