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Procedure Thoracic

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Condition Thoracic

Home  /  Conditions  /  Condition Thoracic

Thoracic Spondylosis

Thoracic spondylosis is a degenerative condition that affects the thoracic spine, which is the middle portion of the spine consisting of 12 vertebrae (T1 to T12)…

Thoracic Neuropathy

Thoracic neuropathy refers to dysfunction or damage to the nerves in the mid-back region of the spine known as the thoracic spine…

Thoracic Stenosis

Thoracic spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal in the thoracic region of the spine. The spine is divided into three main sections: the cervical spine (neck)…

Compression Fractures

The spine is made up of strong bones called vertebrae. A vertebra can break just like any other bone in the body. When the vertebral body collapses, it is…

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