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Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection

Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection

Following a lumbar epidural steroid injection, most patients can return to work the next day. Immediate pain relief for a few hours after the procedure is often experienced due to the injected anesthetic, although there might be some irritation at the injection site. In a matter of days, the initial pain may resurface as the anesthetic’s effects fade, which is a normal occurrence. Approximately a week later, the corticosteroids begin to take full effect, curbing inflammation and substantially reducing pain. Depending on the patient’s response, up to three epidural injections may be administered, spaced several weeks apart.

The efficacy of a lumbar epidural steroid injection varies among individuals. Some patients attain prolonged, and occasionally even permanent, pain relief after just one injection, obviating the need for further treatment. Others may require additional treatment in subsequent weeks or months. The specific effectiveness of a lumbar epidural steroid injection is contingent upon the individual patient’s unique condition.

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